Saturday, May 30, 2009

Did You Feel That?!

Being the creator of Zoe Chapman is exhausting. The nausea, tears and false labor I have been experiencing are not the results of being knocked up; rather knocked down while patiently waiting for her to get some - how shall I put it - work done...

But I can finally announce that there has been a Zoe sighting (albeit wrapped and bandaged beyond recognition). So while we wait for her unveiling, all current and new customers that place book orders for How To Stylishly Fall From Grace will be eligible to win a treasure chest of goodies.

What? You don't believe me? Try these on for size: tropical spa products and a pair of designer shoes have already been won this week!!!

Order your copy today!!! And for the list of current giveaways, click here!


Shipping rates are for orders within the U.S.; if you reside outside of the states, please contact me prior to ordering for additional shipping rates.